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6-7 December  2022

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Break the silos and create conditions for collaboration. Practical training that embeds learning by doing and brings real results. 



Based on design thinking, service design is truly the next big competitive advantage for the business. With user-centred design at its heart, service design is about the design of experiences customers love. In a digital age, it’s hard to imagine designing services without data and technology. But technology itself won’t solve a user’s problem and create a delightful experience.


In this program you will learn how to shift away from a technology or marketing focus towards real empathy for your customers.

This hands-on experience inspires professionals from different sectors and help them with practical knowledge, tips and methods to design the ultimate customer experience and to transform their organisation for the future. The methodology is set-up in such a way that you’ll be able to implement your learnings directly during your daily work.

"Great service isn't by chance, it's by design"



Today"s customers have higher expectations than ever before and brands are facing challenges than they never had to deal with.
The winners are the brands which know how to build genuine relationships with both customers and stakeholders.

Service Design help you design unique services or service components which will stand out from the competition, or optimise existing services around what the customer really wants. 

Only an in-depth and holistic understanding of customers and their environment can create offerings that provide meaningful value and make a real difference. Service design thinking can provide this understanding.

"Service Design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable" 

- UK Design Council


|  Learn the fundamentals of service design to improve organisational performance ​

|  Learn different ways to gain empathy for the user 

|  Learn valuable tools you can put into practice 

|  Gain alignment around vision, process and outcome

|  Put your knowledge to work in a concrete design challenge

|  Break the silos by creating conditions for collaboration 


DAY 1  |

What is Service Design 

Begin with a sprint experience of each phase of the process. Learn about the trends from the Service Design Global Conference.

Case Study

Step into the service design world with this in-depth case study.

Team Formation

Service Design is a Team Sport. Experience a proven tool to get to know your team mates.


Research Techniques | Interview: Learn how to prepare and conduct in-depth conversations with customers to gain insight into their lives and experiences.


Insight: Making Sense of the Research | Once you have uncovered unmet needs in a customer group you need to analyse and cluster the information gathered using affinity map.

Tools to Systemize and Analyze Your Findings

Learn how to use affinity map, persona canvas, and stakeholder map.

Customer Journey Map

Visualise your customer journey map and identify opportunity areas.

Wrap up of Day 1

Reflect and share your takeaways.

DAY 2  |


In this stage, design thinkers spark off ideas — in the form of questions and solutions — through creative and curious activities such as Brainstorms and Worst Possible Idea. 

How Might We Questions

Reframe your insight statements as How Might We questions to turn the challenges identified into opportunities for design.

Ideation Session

Use inspirations and create as many innovative and creative solutions as possible. Then master the process of selecting one idea. 

Selection Session

Selecting the most suitable ideas is as important as generating many ideas. Use a few tested matrixes to select one idea.


Rapid Prototyping: Learn about possible forms of prototyping and choose the one that is suitable for your idea. Then build and test prototypes.


A pitch is a great way to communicate your idea: how it works, why it counts, and who it benefits. Get ready to present your idea with a proven framework.

Team Dynamics and Leadership

What are the challenges in a team work and how the leadership can support teams by empowering them and fostering a creative environment.

Wrap Up and Certificates

Walk through the journey we travelled together in the past two days.


          Team Canvas

Very often team dynamics come as a main obstacle. This tool will help you form a team and kick start a project successfully. Know your mates before you start.

    Stakeholder Map

When dealing with a challenge many internal and external actors have an effect on how a new service is developed and launched. Get to know the "ecosystem" and the value exchange between all involved. 

Interview Guide

In-depth interviews are a means

of engaging a user to gather information. Dig deeper into people’s attitudes and motivations in order to gain a sense of possible customer journeys in relation to your challenge.

Persona Canvas

Shift your focus away from

abstract demographics and

towards the wants and needs of real people. This is crucial for developing improvements or innovations of the services provided.

      Ideation Techniques

Due to the nature of ideation, it is extremely important to make use of techniques that match the type of ideas you're trying to generate. This is an overview of different techniques that combine conscious and unconscious, and rational with imagination.

   Customer Journey Map

Build empathy and see the customer’s perceptions in the larger context. Understand why your customers do what they do and how they experience interacting with organisations and services through different touch points.

Prototype Map

Experience some aspects of the service idea with customers, stakeholders or professionals in order to improve the solutions before they are realised. This map will give you an overview of all prototyping technique and their level of fidelity.

Value Proposition

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. It’s the primary reason a prospect should buy from you.This matrix allows you to describe how you might be creating value for your customers.

Pitch Canvas

Pitching an idea is a skill you can learn. This tool will is helping thousands of innovation and startup teams to tell a compelling story and deliver winning pitches.


Our program is designed for a mix of leaders, change makers and professionals involved in developing and transforming services:


  • Managers of large and medium companies

  • Managers of Digital Transformation Offices

  • Representatives of marketing, innovation, departments and product managers

  • Customer Experience and UX designers

  • Entrepreneurs and start-upers

  • Managers of public institutions and non-profit organisations

  • Innovators and everyone seeking effective ways for designing and improving products and services

If you are interested in creating breakthrough experiences and services and to shift your game to the next level on better leveraging existing research and insights, join us!

The participants in past trainings we organised come from a mixture of companies:

Unicredit Bulbank, Experian, coBuilder, Economedia, A Data Pro, Modis, Raiffeisenbank, Sopharma Trading, Renault Nissan Bulgaria, Post  Bank, Societe Generale Expressbank, Novarto, SAP, Coca-Cola, Fourth, Leanplum, Genius sport, NN Bulgaria, Explica, Credissimo, New Moment New Ideas company, Trust for Social Achievement and many more.

" I loved that the masterclass is built on a concrete business challenge, so I could learn how to apply all the tools. The  examples from the trainer's experience were very illustrative and helpful."



Eleonora is a service design practitioner with over 30  service design projects for companies such  as ING,  Econt, PharmaLex, Unicredit  Bulbank, Postbank, Laurea  University, Porsche. With 2200+ hours coaching in service design, agile scrum and lean startup multidisciplinary teams in the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, Finland and Bulgaria. Accredited Service Design Master, Representative of the Global Service Design Network in Bulgaria and a member of the Accreditation Committee. Eleonora will share her hands-on experience in implementing service design large scale projects leading to organisational transformation and service innovation across different industries and cultures. 

Author of Inside a Designer's Mind booklet and the creativity game Connect the dots.

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Ivelina is an Inclusive Design specialist who consults public and private sectors on how to expand their innovation capacity and add value by developing a deep understanding of people-centered design approaches and qualitative research. She has an extended hands-on experience in delivering training for professionals, business and non-government organisations across the globe how to use design for social innovation and business transformation. Ivelina was the book manager and a great contributor to the book “Creative Leadership-born from Design” by Rama Gheerawo. Currently she is working at the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art as a Creative Leadership Circle community manager and visiting design researcher and facilitator.

Get Your SDN Branded Certificate!
The only Service Design Training in Bulgaria, accredited by the Service Design Network.

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6-7  декември 2022 г.
09:30 - 17:00 ч.

Campus  X, бул. Ал. Малинов 31
зала Community  Green

Такса участие:
528 лв. за 1 участник

475 лв. за членове на CampusX
950 лв. за двама или повече участници

2 дни обучение
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За въпроси:
0887 922 973
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